我正在尝试使用自定义 ruby 代码(从 azure 的官方 php 库移植)为我的 windows 媒体服务文件创建一个 SAS url。代码如下所示:
def create_signature(path = '/', resource = 'b', permissions = 'r', start = '', expiry = '', identifier = '')
# If resource is a container, remove the last part (which is the filename)
path = path.split('/').reverse.drop(1).reverse.join('/') if resource == 'c'
canonicalizedResource = "/mediasvc78m7lfh2gnn2x/#{path}"
stringToSign = []
stringToSign << permissions
stringToSign << start
stringToSign << expiry
stringToSign << canonicalizedResource
stringToSign << identifier
stringToSign = stringToSign.join("\n")
signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha256', wms_api_key, stringToSign.encode(Encoding::UTF_8))
signature = Base64.encode64(signature)
return signature
def createSignedQueryString(path = '/', query_string = '', resource = 'b', permissions = 'r', start = '', expiry = '', identifier = '')
base = 'https://mediasvc78m7lfh2gnn2x.blob.core.windows.net'
uri = Addressable::URI.new
# Parts
parts = {}
parts[:st] = URI.unescape(start) unless start == ''
parts[:se] = URI.unescape(expiry)
parts[:sr] = URI.unescape(resource)
parts[:sp] = URI.unescape(permissions)
parts[:si] = URI.unescape(identifier) unless identifier == ''
parts[:sig] = URI.unescape( create_signature(path, resource, permissions, start, expiry) )
uri.query_values = parts
return "#{base}/#{path}?#{uri.query}"
puts createSignedQueryString(
(Time.now - 5*60).utc.iso8601,
(Time.now + 30*60).utc.iso8601
Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature. RequestId:ee7fd18f-cd1f-4179-8a58-c8b746d0549c Time:2014-02-20T12:29:27.0468171Z
Signature did not match. String to sign used was r 2014-02-20T12:24:19Z 2014-02-20T12:59:19Z /mediasvc78m7lfh2gnn2x/asset-12514a3b-565f-4150-9543-e3c2b4531428/video.mp4