因此,在一些帮助下,我能够在本地启动并运行我的第一个 mvc 框架。现在我已经把它放在服务器上,我没有任何运气。我相信这是一个配置问题,但我似乎无法弄清楚。
这是它在服务器上应该是什么样子的 Gif,但这是在本地运行的。
- 这不起作用:
- http://tomcat.cit.iupui.edu/alecory/Spring-2014/CIT-31300/Assignment%202/
- 除非我将 'URI' 常量直接设置为 '/register' 这是它在 localhost 上运行时的输出,如下面的注释所示
- 这可行,但不是我想要的并且不包括页眉+页脚:
include_once 'load.php';
// Local
// define ('URL_ROOT', 'http://localhost/');
// Remote
define ('URL_ROOT', 'http://tomcat.cit.ipui.edu/alecory/Spring-2014/Assignment%202/');
// define ('URI', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
// Outputs for:
// Local = /register
// Remote = /alecory/Spring-2014/CIT-31300/Assignment%202/views/register.php
define('URI', '/register'); // <= this is where I could set it myself and
# it would reroute the URL from
# /Assignment%202/views/register.php To
# /Assignment%202/
# (only showing /Assignment%202/ in the URL)
// Local = /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/CIT-31300/Assignment 2
// Remote = /var/www/
* Controller
* Description: Basically tells the system what to do and in what order
class Controller
public $load;
public $model;
function __construct()
// Make
$this->load = new Load();
$this->model = new Model();
// Set the $page = current view/page
$page = ltrim(URI, '/');
// Set default page to index
if (empty($page))
$page = 'index';
// Load the Pages
if (method_exists($this, $page))
// die(get_include_path());
require_once DOC_ROOT . '/views/inc/header.php';
require_once DOC_ROOT . '/views/inc/footer.php';
require_once DOC_ROOT . '/views/inc/header.php';
require_once DOC_ROOT . '/views/inc/footer.php';
// Functions to load the various views
function index()
// $data = $this->model->my_user_info();
$this->load->view('myview.php', $data);
// function header()
// {
// $this->load->view('header.php', $data);
// }
// function footer()
// {
// $this->load->view('footer.php' $data);
// }
function login()
$this->load->view('login.php', $data);
function register()
$this->load->view('register.php', $data);
function notFound()
die('not found');