脚本本身运行良好;它没有错误。然而,在运行 7,500 次中,只有 35 次成功。我将如何提高 Regex 的成功率?因为现在,它没有做这项工作。
var IDs = [136758649, 116770724, 136171998]//A lot more IDS than this
var PriceWanting = 60
var scanneditems = 0
var itemerror = 0
document.write('<p id = "title">Total number bought: 0 items for a total of 0</p>')
document.write('<p id = "scanned">Items scanned: 0</p>')
document.write('<p id = "itemerrors">Items scanned: 0</p>')
var buys = 0
var totalrobuxspent = 0
console.log("Bot started")
var loop = setInterval(function()
for (var i = 0;i<IDs.length;i++) {
$.get(" http://m.roblox.com/items/" + IDs[i] + "/privatesales",function(data) {
var Regex = /\<span class="currency-robux">([\d,]+)\<\/span\>/;
var PriceSelling = data.match(Regex);
scanneditems = scanneditems + 1
document.getElementById("scanned").innerHTML = "Scanned items: " + scanneditems
PriceSelling = PriceSelling ? PriceSelling[1] : '';
if (PriceSelling.length < 1) {
itemerrors = itemerrors + 1
document.getElementById(''itemserror'').innerHTML = ''Total errors: '' + itemerrors
PriceSelling = Number(PriceSelling.replace(",",""))
PriceSelling = PriceSelling * 1
totalrobuxspent = totalrobuxspent + PriceSelling
var remaining = PriceWanting - PriceSelling
if (remaining >= -0.1)
buys = buys + 1
document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = "Total number of items bought: " + buys + " for a total of " + totalrobuxspent + " "
var Regex2 = /<a href="\/Catalog\/VerifyTransfer\DuserAssetOptionId=([\d,]+)\Damp;expectedPrice=([\d,]+)">/
var HatBuyId = data.match(Regex2)[1]
var HatBuyLink = "http://m.roblox.com/Catalog/VerifyPurchase?assetid=" + HatBuyId + " &type=robux&expectedPrice=" + PriceSelling
var Explorer = document.createElement('iframe');
function Buy(){
console.log("Item purchase complete, scanning again.")
var inf = document.createElement('div');
inf.style.fontSize = "18px";
inf.style.background = "rgba(0,0,5,0)";
inf.style.position = "absolute";
inf.style.width = "100%";
inf.style.height = "18pt";
inf.innerText = "Bot currently running. Purchases: "+answer;
Explorer.onload = Buy;
Explorer.width = "100%";
Explorer.height = "85%";
Explorer.src = HatBuyLink;
document.body.innerHTML = "";