您使用的是 OpenGL 2.1,因此您必须使用glGetAttribLocation()
. 你不能只希望 GLSL 编译器把顶点0
和 texcoords 放在2
void render(Shader* shader_program = NULL)
if (shader_program)
GLint position_loc = glGetAttribLocation( shader_program->id(), "position" );
GLint tex_loc = glGetAttribLocation( shader_program->id(), "tex" );
GLint normal_loc = glGetAttribLocation( shader_program->id(), "normal" );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( position_loc );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( normal_loc );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( tex_loc );
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i)
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, entries[i].vb);
// I think this tells it where to look for the vertex information we've loaded.
glVertexAttribPointer(position_loc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), 0);
glVertexAttribPointer(normal_loc, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), (const GLvoid*)12); // starts at 12 because 3 floats for position before 2 floats for normal
glVertexAttribPointer(tex_loc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), (const GLvoid*)20); // makes room for 5 floats
您还可以在链接着色器之前告诉OpenGL 将它们放在哪里(glBindAttribLocation()
在 OpenGL 3.1+ 中,您可以强制编译器通过qualifier将属性放在特定索引上。