所以,我正在尝试将一段 C++ 代码翻译成 php。C++ 来自外部来源,至少可以说,我缺乏 C++ 和解密方面的知识。
源 C++ 是:
void parser_t::decrypt(buffer_t &replay_data, const unsigned char *key_data) {
|*| Performs an in place decryption of the replay using the given key.
|*| The decryption is a (broken) variant of CBC decryption and is performed as follows:
|*| -# Set the variable previous_block (with size of 16 bytes) to 0
|*| -# Decrypt a block with the given key
|*| -# XOR the block with the previous (decrypted) block
|*| -# Go back to step 2, until there are no more blocks.
BF_KEY key = {{0}};
BF_set_key(&key, 16, key_data);
const int block_size = 8;
size_t padding_size = (block_size - (replay_data.size() % block_size));
if (padding_size != 0) {
size_t required_size = replay_data.size() + padding_size;
replay_data.resize(required_size, 0);
unsigned char previous[block_size] = {0};
for (auto it = replay_data.begin(); it != replay_data.end(); it += block_size) {
unsigned char decrypted[block_size] = { 0 };
BF_ecb_encrypt(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&(*it)), decrypted, &key, BF_DECRYPT);
std::transform(previous, previous + block_size, decrypted, decrypted, std::bit_xor<unsigned char>());
std::copy_n(decrypted, block_size, previous);
std::copy_n(decrypted, block_size, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&(*it)));
if (padding_size != 0) {
size_t original_size = replay_data.size() - padding_size;
replay_data.resize(original_size, 0);
function decrypt($data){ // $data is a encrypted string
$key = array(0xDE, <.....>, 0xEF); // (16 entries in the array)
//BF_KEY key = {{0}}; // ?
//BF_set_key(&key, 16, key_data); // ?
$block_size = 8;
$padding_size = ($block_size - (strlen($data) % $block_size));
if ($padding_size != 0) {
$required_size = strlen($data) + $padding_size;
//replay_data.resize(required_size, 0);
// Seems unnecessary in php? string lengths are pretty dynamic.
$keyString = '';
for($i = 0; $i < count($key); $i++){
$keyString .= chr($key[$i]);
$output = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < stlen($data); $i += $block_size) {
$char = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // ?
$decrypted_piece = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, $keyString, $data, "cbc"); // ??
// And this is where I completely get lost.
$output = transform($in, $start, $end, $in2);
function transform($in, $start, $end, $in2){
$out = ''; // Yea, that won't work...
for($x = $start; $x < $end; $x++){
$out[$x] = $in[$x] ^ $in2[$x];
return $output
我意识到我基本上是在要求你们为我做点什么,但我真的被那些内容所困扰for (auto it...
- 在这种情况下
做什么?(在伪代码甚至 php 中?)(拍自己的手指。“不要要求成品”) - 我的翻译是否在正确的轨道上
? - 什么是
,BF_set_key(&key, 16, key_data);
? - 是什么
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&(*it))
完整的源代码可在 github 上找到。