每当我在 Eclipse 上切换工作区时,我都会收到错误消息:
在“初始化 Java 工具”期间发生内部错误。类文件 org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/ast/ASTNode 中的重复字段名称和签名
如果我重新启动 Eclipse,它会正确加载新的工作区。任何想法我如何解决这个问题?
我在 Windows 7 上使用 Eclipse Kepler
是的,哎呀,龙目岛虫。对不起。它已被修复;下一个 lombok 版本(看起来将是 1.14)将不再有这个问题。在那之前,如果这确实限制了您的工作区切换风格,则可以使用边缘版本:)
I had the same issue. After updating Gradle and anything else that I had installed in Eclipse, it still wouldn't work. For me it actually wouldn't be fixed by restarting Eclipse, as far as I could tell. I managed to fix it by downloading the latest release of Eclipse and extracting it over my current installation. Don't know if that'll work for you or not.
安装最新版本的 projectlombok。