Reading an article called "Increase LINQ Query Performance" in July's MSDN magazine, the author states that using an Imports in VB providing a path to schema in the current project will turn IntelliSense on for XElement. In the code provided, he uses statements like xelement.@name to retreive attributes values and so on.

I did not try this out myself in VB but I would like to use that in C#. This really looks like LINQ to XSD.

Is there any equivalent in C#? It seems that it is not possible to use a namespace inside C# code, there is no using equivalent to this Import statement.


1 回答 1


This post claims to have a link to a video that shows how to use VB9's XML Literals in C#. However, it only really discusses them and from what I can gather, you cannot use them in C#. http://blogs.msdn.com/bethmassi/archive/2008/07/03/teched-panel-vb-xml-literals-for-c-developers.aspx

于 2008-08-22T07:14:46.360 回答