Deciding if a system of polynomial inequalities is feasible is a very hard mathematical problem and a lot of research in real algebraic geometry has to do with it.
Apart from cylindrical algebraic decomposition there are theorems of the alternative also for these sets. The most notable result is Stengle's Positivstellensatz which roughly says that if it is infeasible, then you can prove that it is infeasible by combining the positivity requirements from the constraints in a positive way so that the result is -1. This contradiction proves infeasibility.
Finding these certificates can be very bad algorithmically, but you can look at so called moment relaxations of your set. These are slighly larger sets whose feasibility can be decided with semi-definite programming. Algorithms for this are well-developed.
In total, there is a hierarchy of larger and larger convex optimization problems in which you eventually find a solution to the question of infeasibility. Of course in practice all this can be spoiled by numerical problems, etc. An implementation of this is the Matlab package yalmip