I suspect this is either a problem with ghc or cabal-install:

I used to get build information in such a format:

Resolving dependencies...
    Configuring ltk-
    Building ltk-
    Preprocessing library ltk-
    [ 1 of 12] Compiling Graphics.UI.Frame.Panes ( src/Graphics/UI/Frame/Panes.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Frame/Panes.o )
    [ 2 of 12] Compiling Graphics.UI.Editor.Parameters ( src/Graphics/UI/Editor/Parameters.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Editor/Parameters.o )
    [ 3 of 12] Compiling Control.Event    ( src/Control/Event.hs, dist/build/Control/Event.o )
    [ 4 of 12] Compiling MyMissing        ( src/MyMissing.hs, dist/build/MyMissing.o )
    [ 5 of 12] Compiling Graphics.UI.Editor.Basics ( src/Graphics/UI/Editor/Basics.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Editor/Basics.o )
    [ 6 of 12] Compiling Graphics.UI.Editor.MakeEditor ( src/Graphics/UI/Editor/MakeEditor.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Editor/MakeEditor.o )
    [ 7 of 12] Compiling Text.PrinterParser ( src/Text/PrinterParser.hs, dist/build/Text/PrinterParser.o )

However, now I get this type of build output:

Configuring binary-shared-0.8.3...
Configuring cairo-
Building binary-shared-0.8.3...
Building cairo-
Installed binary-shared-0.8.3
Configuring ghc-paths-
Building ghc-paths-
Installed ghc-paths-
Configuring glib-

As you can see, cabal-install or ghc, whichever is causing the problem, seems to be inducing undesirable laconism now. According to my cabal config, I am running at a default verbosity level of 1. Is there some configuration option that could have caused this particular behavior? In other words, how can I restore the original behavior? Version


1 回答 1


感谢@Michael Snoyman 指出配置jobs参数或将其作为-j标志显式传递会将与构建输出相关的大部分信息重定向到文本文件。更多信息可在此处获得。

于 2014-02-20T08:31:38.387 回答