我正在开发一个大型移动应用程序,我遇到了一场辩论。目前,我将各种 rest api 的资源连接到一个指令中,然后将数据加载到该点的范围中。
使用 angularjs 从指令中的资源注入数据或利用 RouteProvider 配置上的 resolve 属性是更好的做法吗?
.directive( 'Category', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
priority: 1000,
controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', '$log', 'CategoryFactory', function($scope, $attrs, $log, CategoryFactory) {
var categoryObject = {};
var item = $scope.$eval($attrs.ppdCategory);
if( item !== "" && ! isNaN(parseInt(item, 10)) ) {
categoryObject.categoryId = item;
var $promise = CategoryFactory.get(categoryObject).$promise;
.then( function( result ) {
$scope.childCategories = result.response.childCategories;
$scope.category = result.response.category;
.catch( function( error ) {
$log.error( "An error ocurred while fetching categories" + error );
.config([ '$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
.when( '/browse-aisles', {
reloadOnSearch: false,
controller: 'CategoryController',
// this will eventually be a function that
// manages the switching of the mobile, tablet,
// and full site templates
templateUrl: 'partials/pages/browse/browse_aisles.html'
.when( '/browse-aisles/:categories*', {
reloadOnSearch: false,
controller: 'CategoryController',
// this will eventually be a function that
// manages the switching of the mobile, tablet,
// and full site templates
templateUrl: 'partials/pages/browse/browse_aisles.html'
.controller( 'CategoryController', [ '$scope', '$routeParams', 'keyedRouteService', 'SharedProperties', 'BROWSE_PARAMS', function( $scope, $routeParams, keyedRouteService, SharedProperties, BROWSE_PARAMS ) {
var categoryParams = typeof $routeParams.categories === 'undefined' ? "" : $routeParams.categories;
var params = keyedRouteService.getKeyedArray( "categories//" + categoryParams );
$scope.params = SharedProperties.setProperty(BROWSE_PARAMS, params );
$scope.$emit('loadSubHeader', 'partials/pages/browse/browse_aisles_subheader.html');
var baseUrl = "/browse-aisles/";
for( var category in $scope.params.categories ) {
if( $scope.params.categories[category] !== "" ) {
baseUrl += "categories/" + $scope.params.categories[category] + "/";
$scope.baseCategoryUrl = baseUrl;
解析将解析以下格式的 url:/browse-aisles/categories/123/categories/1234/categories/2444/products/233