Markdown 具有管道表语法,但在某些情况下还不够。
| table | syntax | without multiline cell content |
因此,我们可以使用 HTML 表格标签。
const int x = 3;
const string y = "foo";
readonly Object obj = getObject();
def x : int = 3;
def y : string = "foo";
def obj : Object = getObject();
Variables defined with <code>def</code> cannot be changed once defined. This is similar to <code>readonly</code> or <code>const</code> in C# or <code>final</code> in Java. Most variables in Nemerle aren't explicitly typed like this.
但是前段时间语法高亮被破坏了,这个wiki 页面现在看起来很丑。有想法该怎么解决这个吗?