以下代码片段说明了打开 XPS 文件时的内存泄漏。如果你运行它并观察任务管理器,它会增长并且在应用程序退出之前不会释放内存。
'****** 控制台应用程序开始。
Module Main
Const DefaultTestFilePath As String = "D:\Test.xps"
Const DefaultLoopRuns As Integer = 1000
Public Sub Main(ByVal Args As String())
Dim PathToTestXps As String = DefaultTestFilePath
Dim NumberOfLoops As Integer = DefaultLoopRuns
If (Args.Count >= 1) Then PathToTestXps = Args(0)
If (Args.Count >= 2) Then NumberOfLoops = CInt(Args(1))
Console.WriteLine("Start - {0}", GC.GetTotalMemory(True))
For LoopCount As Integer = 1 To NumberOfLoops
Console.CursorLeft = 0
Console.Write("Loop {0:d5}", LoopCount)
' The more complex the XPS document and the more loops, the more memory is lost.
Using XPSItem As New Windows.Xps.Packaging.XpsDocument(PathToTestXps, System.IO.FileAccess.Read)
Dim FixedDocSequence As Windows.Documents.FixedDocumentSequence
' This line leaks a chunk of memory each time, when commented out it does not.
FixedDocSequence = XPSItem.GetFixedDocumentSequence
End Using
GC.Collect() ' This line has no effect, I think the memory that has leaked is unmanaged (C++ XPS internals).
Console.WriteLine("Complete - {0}", GC.GetTotalMemory(True))
Console.WriteLine("Loop complete but memory not released, will release when app exits (press a key to exit).")
End Sub
End Module
'****** 控制台应用程序结束。
它循环一千次的原因是因为我的代码处理了大量文件并快速泄漏内存,从而导致 OutOfMemoryException。强制垃圾收集不起作用(我怀疑它是 XPS 内部的一块非托管内存)。