您可以使用动态编程的标准公式来实现它(请参阅Coin Change Problem)
让s = {1,5,10,25}
让f(x,y) = number_of_ways_to_make_change
- 注意:如果 y == 0 我们允许的币集是 {1},如果 y == 1 我们允许的币集是 {1,5} ...
- 当我们的硬币集仅包含 {1} 时,任何 change_due 都有一个简单的解决方案 1,也就是说,如果你只有便士,那么只有一种方法可以进行更改(所有便士)
- 尔格
f(anything,0) == 1 && f(0,anything) == 1 && f(anything,anthing < 0) == 0
让我们解决一些 change_due 值
change_due function_call
1 f(1,0) = 1
4 f(4,0) = 1
5 f(5,1) = f((5-5),1) + f(5,0) = 1 + 1 = 2
9 f(9,1) = f(9-5,1)+f(9,0) = f(4,1) + 1 = f(4,0*) + 1 = 1+1 = 2
10 f(10,2) = f(10-10,2) + f(10,1) = f(0,2) + (f(5,1)+f(10,0))= 1+(2+1) = 4
f(x,0) = f(0,y) = 1
f(x is less than zero,y) = f(x,y is less than zero) = 0
#if x,y are not in above conditions we want to recursively call ourselves allowing us to build up to a complex solution from several simpler solutions
f(x,y) = f(x-CHANGE_DENOM,y) + f(x,y-1)
让我们继续从上面玩那张桌子,看看我们有多少种方法可以赚到 16 美分
S = [1,5,10,25]
# our y is 2 (since S[2] = 10 which is the largest denomination < our change_due(16))
f(16,2) = f(16-S[2],2) + f(16,1)
= f(16-10,2) + f(16,1) = f(6,2) + f(16,1)
f(6,2) = f(6-S[2]) + f(6,1) = 0 + f( 6,1) = 0+2#(see below) =
f(16,1) = f(16-S[1],1) + f(16,0) = f(11,1) + 1
f(11,1) = f(11-S[1],1) + f(11,0) = f(6,1) + 1
f(6,1) = f(6-S[1],1) + f(6,0) = f(1,1) + 1
f(1,1) = f(1-S[1],1) + f(1,0) = 0 + 1 = 1
f(6,1) = f(1,1) + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2
f(11,1) = f(6,1) + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3
f(16,1) = f(11,1) + 1 = 3+1 = 4
f(16,2) = f(6,2) + f(16,1) = 2 + 4 = 6 ways to make change for 16 cents