我有一些数字,包括正数和负数,我想以折线(线形图或趋势)的格式显示它们。我发现 gRaphael 非常有趣,我看到几个例子表明它可以完美地处理正数,但我找不到任何好的插件来显示正值和负值,如下所示:
我有一些数字,包括正数和负数,我想以折线(线形图或趋势)的格式显示它们。我发现 gRaphael 非常有趣,我看到几个例子表明它可以完美地处理正数,但我找不到任何好的插件来显示正值和负值,如下所示:
这是 jsFiddle 的代码演示,在 Firefox 中测试,使用 jqPlot 显示带有负数据点的趋势,如您的示例。
我发现 jqPlot 比 Flot 或 gRaphael 更易于使用,具有更多选项和更好的文档。
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
chartData= [["1", "-1","2","-3","4"]];
ticks = ['Monday','Tuesday','Wed','Thursday','Friday'];
function chartHistorical(chartId,chartData,ticks){
var chart = jQuery.jqplot(chartId, chartData, {
animate: !jQuery.jqplot.use_excanvas,
seriesDefaults: {
renderer: jQuery.jqplotLineRenderer,
pointLabels: {
show: true
series: [{
label: 'Series1'
} ],
seriesColors: ["#efa229"],//"#245779",
axesDefaults: {
base: 10, // the logarithmic base.
tickDistribution: 'evens', // 'even' or 'power'.
// 'even' will produce
// with even visiual
// (pixel)
// spacing on the axis. 'power' will produce ticks
// spaced by
// increasing powers of the log base.
axesDefaults : {
tickRenderer: jQuery.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
tickOptions: {
fontSize: '14pt' // font size for labels
axes: {
xaxis: {
ticks: ticks
yaxis: {
// Don't pad out the bottom of the data range.
// By default,
// axes scaled as if data extended 10% above and
// below the
// actual range to prevent data points right on
// grid boundaries.
// Don't want to do that here.
padMin: 0,
max: 4,
min: -4
tickOptions: {
fontSize: '14pt'
legend: {
show: true,
location: 'n', // compass direction, nw, n, ne,
// e, se, s, sw, w.
xoffset: 12, // pixel offset of the legend box
// from the x (or x2) axis.
yoffset: 12, // pixel offset of the legend box
// from the y (or y2) axis.
placement: 'inside'
cursor: {
show: false,
showTooltip: true,
tooltipLocation: 'ne',
grid: {
background: 'white'