We have about 300 sites, but the combined IIS root content is about 1TB. We'd like to use route53 failover for load balancers in two AZ's in the same region, and have the IIS web heads come up and down in an autoscaling group as needed.

1TB is a little much to attach to each autoscaling instance especially when traffic starts bringing up several instances in each AZ.

We are using a seperate pair of DFS boxes at the moment to achieve this, but I really feel like there's a better/higher performance way to achieve this.

What should we use to provide the fastest and most reliable shared storage to our IIS autoscaled nodes that can be replicated accross AZ's if needed?



2 回答 2


将文件存储在 S3 中怎么样?http://aws.amazon.com/s3/

于 2014-02-17T21:04:52.513 回答

尝试使用CloudFront,它最终会将您的静态内容分发到所有 AWS 区域(或者不分发,您可以调整它)。

减少服务器的负载并降低响应延迟。使用此服务,您将节省服务器资源并有时间将静态内容迁移到 S3。

此外,CloudFront 设置非常简单。

另一方面,如果你愿意坚持尝试使用共享存储,EBS(Elastic Block Storage)不能同时挂载在多个实例上,那么你不能使用它,但你至少还有2个备择方案:

  1. 创建一个新实例作为文件服务器,在这种情况下,您可以尝试FreeNas或其他等效解决方案,甚至是另一个 Windows 服务器。
  2. 您可以尝试使用驱动程序将 S3 存储桶安装为使用TNTDriveWinS3Fs的共享。
于 2014-02-18T22:00:40.250 回答