I am trying to test out prediction-io for the first time. I followed the installation instructions for linux and developed several test engines. After repeatedly getting the following error on my own datasets I decided to follow the movie 100k tutorial (https://github.com/PredictionIO/PredictionIO-Docs/blob/cbca03b1c2bad949db951a3a798f0080c48b3674/source/tutorials/movie-recommendation.rst). The same error seems to persist even though it seems as if my Hadoop is running correctly (and not in safe mode) and the engine says that it is running and training is complete. The error that I am getting is:

predictionio.ItemRecNotFoundError: request: GET /engines/itemrec/movie-rec/topn.json {'pio_n': 10, 'pio_uid': '28', 'pio_appkey': 'UsZmneFir39GXO9hID3wDhDQqYNje4S9Ea3jiQjrpHFzHwMEqCqwJKhtAziveC9D'} /engines/itemrec/movie-rec/topn.json?pio_n=10&pio_uid=28&pio_appkey=UsZmneFir39GXO9hID3wDhDQqYNje4S9Ea3jiQjrpHFzHwMEqCqwJKhtAziveC9D status: 404 body: {"message":"Cannot find recommendation for user."}

The rest of the tutorial runs as expected, just no predictions ever seem to appear. Can someone please point me in the right direction on how to solve this issue?



1 回答 1



  1. 检查 PredictioIO 的数据库中是否有数据。我看到作业失败,因为数据库中有一些 项目,但没有用户,也没有用户到项目的操作。查看 Mongo 数据库appdata - 应该有名为usersitemsu2iActions的集合。这些集合仅在您通过 API 添加第一个 user-item-u2iaction 时创建。这很糟糕,不清楚作业是否通过 Web 界面成功完成。

  2. 检查日志 - PredictionIO 日志和 Hadoop 日志(如果您使用 Hadoop 作业)。查看模型训练工作是否完成(顺便说一句,您是否通过 Web 界面调用“现在训练预测模型”?)

  3. 验证您的算法在predictionio_modeldata中是否有一些数据。

  4. 好吧,即使模型训练好,仍然可能没有足够的数据来为某些用户生成推荐。尝试“随机”以获得可供所有人使用的最简单的建议,以检查整个系统是否有效。

于 2014-09-04T09:50:08.127 回答