我正在使用 hardy-weinberg 进行一个非常简单的模拟(对于所有遗传学迷),我在绘制等位基因 (0,1) 频率的频率以及最后的基因型 (0,1,2) 频率上的频率非常糟糕100代的过程。我被困在试图找出 R 的矩阵。
N = 30 # Size population in each line
lineN = 100 # Number of family lines
Genes0 = array(NA, dim=c(lineN, 2*N))
# Randomly form genotypes by sample function / 30:70 probabilites
# In sample x=c(0:1) represents a and A (30:70) alleles of a gene
for (i in 1:lineN) {
Genes0[i, ] = sample(x=c(0:1), size=10, replace=T, prob=c(0.3,0.7))
generationN = 100
ParentGenes = Genes0
for (g in 1:generationN) {
ChildGenes = array(NA, dim=c(lineN, 2*N))
for (i in 1:lineN) {
ChildGenes[i, ] = sample(ParentGenes[i, ], replace=T)
ParentGenes = ChildGenes
table(ChildGenes)/(lineN*2*N) # Allele frequencies
#Convert allele to genotypes: AA <=> 2; Aa / aA <=> 1; aa <=> 0.
Genotypes = array(NA, dim=c(lineN, N))
for (j in 1:N) {
Genotypes[, j] = ChildGenes[, 2*j-1] + ChildGenes[, 2*j]
table(Genotypes)/(lineN*N) # Genotype frequencies.