I have been working with Linux kernel, compiling and inserting modules, in my custom kernels. Previously I had Ubuntu where I had been working with my custom kernel and all the commands for compiling and installing kernel worked like a charm once I had installed all the required libraries.

Now I have switched over to Fedora 20, here I want to install my custom kernel and for that I downloaded all possible kernel tools, namely, Kernel Development Kernel Tools these are group installs and other libraries that I downloaded were ia32 libraries (as I am working on 64-bit OS), kernel-devel package. Still I am not able to work with make-kpkg command. It says bash: make-kpkg: command not found....

I googled out and did everything I could.

Can anyone get me out of this trouble?


2 回答 2


make-kpkg是一个 Debian 内核打包工具。它在 RHEL 系列发行版中不存在,例如 Fedora。

请参阅 Fedora 文档页面“构建自定义内核”以了解正确的过程。(我没有在这里复制它,因为它很长,我不确定你可能已经走了多远。)

于 2014-02-16T02:38:57.967 回答

make-kpkg 工具是 Debian 系统上的 'kernel-package' 软件包的一部分。它是一个 Debian 工具,用于生成 debian 软件包文件。Ubuntu 基于 Debian 并且有这个工具。但是,Fedora 使用不同的系统来管理软件包。因此,make-kpkg 在 Fedora 上不可用。

于 2014-02-16T02:39:12.743 回答