SVN 合并非常耗时(尤其是在大型代码库上)并且容易出错。Eclipse 和 Netbeans 插件不能很好地为我服务。目前我正在使用手动“svn merge”和图形差异Meld的组合。有没有更好的选择(非win32)?
10 回答
I have recently started using the new Beyond Compare 3 (for Windows and Linux). It seems to consistently make better automated merge decisions then TortoiseSVN or KDiff3. Particularly on whitespace, I believe this is due to BC3s better file type configuration.
I also think its merge interface is cleaner and easier to understand then KDiff.
我想出了如何使用 SvnMerge,它是一个 Python 脚本,并取得了相当大的成功。你可以用谷歌搜索我在博客上的说明,或者给我留言,我会发布虚荣链接。
实际上,有报道称人们使用 git-svn 或 hg-svn 网桥下载树,执行合并,然后上传合并。不能解决混乱的部分,但合并速度的提高使它不那么乏味。
我真的很喜欢 Sourcegear Diffmerge。
我们一直在我的工作中使用 TortoiseSVN。合并从来没有任何问题,所以我也可以推荐它。
I've used svnmerge and it helps a lot. It's a command line utility, so it may not be the best tool for everyone, but it's good for me.
你在哪个平台上运行?在 Windows 上,我使用TortoiseSVN很容易地执行大多数差异和合并。UltraCompare 仅执行一些更复杂的差异链。
Best tool I've currently found for Linux is submerge from subcommander package. Here is how to use this and integrate with eclipse.
I have created open source console tool to automate merging process. I think it can helpful for other peoples: Merger
It can:
- Switch subfolders in the folder to the new branch
- Calculate difficulty of the future merge (number of commits/changed files/ commits to the same files, by project)
- Merge revision by revision in auto mode, until no conflicts
- Bulk merge of the groups of projects.
In theory it should be able to work with mono.