I'm thinking about this problem, I know the way I'd like to proceed, but I do not know yet how to implement it (and when I say "how" I mean that theoretically I don't know if I should use TFTP, FTP or other methods, not that I need the code..otherwise there will be no fun for me!! ahah).
I would like to write an application (c, c++ or c#) that is able to connect from a Windows PC to a Linux board to modify files. What I actually do (manually) is:
- serial connection to the board;
- open the Linux console;
- login as root;
- change directories until I find the configuration file that I want to change;
- open the file with VI and edit it;
- reboot from Linux console.
Do you think there is a way to do this automatically? I mean, login as root, copy the target file on the pc, and then upload to the board the modified file? I'm asking this, because I don't want to take the risk of accidentally change something wrong.
Thanks all, electroDi