我很难理解我正在尝试实现的哈希图。基本前提是我在 txt 文件中有一个站点列表,每个站点之间都有“连接”。就像是;
连接:Station1 Station2
连接:Station4 Station6
我有几种方法,它们会将站点名称添加为字符串,然后将其“已连接”站点存储在一个数组列表中,然后我可以稍后检索它以显示“Station4:已连接到站点 6”等等。
下面我关心的两种方法是我设置的“添加站”和“添加连接”,因此 Hashmap“站”应该包含 String > Arraylist 关系。我的想法是“字符串”将存储电台名称,然后数组列表“connectedstations”将存储它连接到的所有电台,我只是不知道如何创建关联?我在使用 Key 之前写了一些,但我似乎无法在这里工作!
public class MyNetwork implements Network {
//The Hashmap of type String, Arraylist. The String holding the
//station name, and the arraylist holding the stations connected to it
HashMap<String, ArrayList> stations = new HashMap<>();
//the arraylist to hold the connected stations
ArrayList<String> connectedstations = new ArrayList<>();
public void addStation(String station) {
//adds a station to the hashmap, pointing to a CURRENTLY empty
//arraylist "connectedstations"
public void addConnection(String fromStation, String toStation) {
* Add a direct connection from one station to another.
* @pre both fromStation and toStation have already been added by the method
* addStation.
* @param fromStation The station from which the connection begins.
* @param toStation The station at which the connection ends.