Couple of things to check:
Look in the NerdDinner.dbml's designer.cs file under the RSVP partial class definition and the Dinner partial class definition:
public partial class RSVP....
- Make sure RsvpID is an Identity type of Primary Key with auto-generation of the key.
[Column(Storage="_RsvpID", AutoSync=AutoSync.OnInsert, DbType="Int NOT NULL IDENTITY", IsPrimaryKey=true, IsDbGenerated=true)]
- A private EntityRef type should have been generated:
private EntityRef _Dinner;
- Check the association property:
[Association(Name="Dinner_RSVP", Storage="_Dinner", ThisKey="DinnerID", OtherKey="DinnerID", IsForeignKey=true)]
public Dinner Dinner......
Do the same for the Dinner partial class...
- Is the primary key correctly defined?
- Is a EntitySet _Rsvps defined?
- Is there and association defined:
[Association(Name="Dinner_RSVP", Storage="_RSVPs", ThisKey="DinnerID", OtherKey="DinnerID")]
public EntitySet RSVPs....
Hope that helps...