I am using Telerik AppBuilder (former Icenium) to build an APK for PlayStore. However, my app is bigger than 50MB, therefore I have to use Expansion Files.

Since files are in cloud, I have pushed them to my Github account, then pulled them, and I created Expansion Files successfully.

I have found a way how to upload Expansion File to Google Playstore, using "placeholder" (dummy) APK.

The problem is, this all doesnt help me much because I have to somehow replace this "placeholder" APK with my actual APK, that is bigger than 50 MB?

Do I need to make my APK smaller than 50MB? Can I just exclude files from my project?


1 回答 1


您需要了解的有关为超过 50 Mb 的应用程序使用扩展文件的所有信息都在此处的 Google Play 文档中进行了详细说明:http: //developer.android.com/google/play/expansion-files.html。不需要“占位符” apk 或替换 apk,扩展文件就是为了这个目的。

如果您的项目稍微超出了 50 Mb 的限制,您可能会考虑在服务器上托管它的一些资源并通过 ajax 请求按需获取这些资源(每当用户转到您需要这些资源的视图时)。


于 2014-02-14T09:37:05.543 回答