I have been using SQL workbench to connect to redshift data. Suddenly I get this error 'Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections' . I am not in the initial stages where I am trying to establish a connection. But have been using same credentials/ same host names same laptop etc and have been working fine until yesterday when I encountered this problem.

I have completed system updates, restarted my laptop several times and have started launching a new session but I still keep getting this error message.

Do any of you have a recommendation for me? what do I need to do?


2 回答 2


检查 aws 安全组。它可能会阻止您的笔记本电脑。

于 2014-05-12T15:07:47.400 回答
  1. 登录 AWS 控制台
  2. 在 AWS 控制台中搜索“安全组” - 您将获得“安全组(ECS 功能)”
  3. 选择入站规则选项卡<选择编辑入站规则(添加规则:类型=Redshift,源=MyIP。(自动填充),保存。)
  4. 同样在 Redshift - 打开您的集群 < 操作 < 修改可公开访问的设置 < 启用 < 保存更改

将 Redshift 与 SQLWorkbench/J 连接起来。而已。

于 2021-09-07T08:49:53.877 回答