I'm trying to open one of my older projects, that was built using iOS 6.0. The project used to compile fine, but when opened under xCode 5, I get this cryptic error message.

Unsupported compiler 'com.apple.compilers.llvmgcc42' selected for architecture 'armv7'
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/alexanderstone/Desktop/Development/RestKit/Vendor/NXJSON/NSError+Extensions.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/alexanderstone/Desktop/Development/RestKit/Vendor/NXJSON/NXDebug.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/alexanderstone/Desktop/Development/RestKit/Vendor/NXJSON/NXJsonParser.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/alexanderstone/Desktop/Development/RestKit/Vendor/NXJSON/NXJsonSerializer.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.

I've checked both project build settings, and they appear correct - LLVM 5.0 is selected as compiler for both.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Additionally, I checked the .m files that compiler complains about, and do not see any reference to GCC there. There are some ASSERT() and other macros, but I don't know if they are compiler-specific.

How can I resolve the llvmgcc4.2 compiler missing in xCode 5, when all subprojects appear to be set to llvm5.0?


3 回答 3


发现了这个类似的问题。对我来说,解决方案是去编辑器>验证子项目和 Restkit 项目的项目设置。

于 2014-02-14T17:55:28.050 回答

这个问题的一个解决方案是当我遇到这个问题时我已经解决了,只需转到构建设置-> 构建选项-> C++ 编译器设置为默认值,您的问题就会得到解决。见附件

于 2017-03-16T17:05:07.013 回答

此外,对于在 XCode 7 中打开和架构“i386”,将编译器设置为“默认编译器(Apple LLVM 7.1)”是一种解决方案。

于 2016-09-30T14:42:05.273 回答