I just configured my Vim to used Syntastic - which works great ! I use it for javascript validation.

I have two linters installed: jslint and jshint, and I intend to keep the two. But Syntastic does not seem to want to report errors from the two at the same time: I get first errors from jshint, and then only jslint when I fixed the previous ones.

Any way I could have the two at the same time?


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您需要将g:syntastic_aggregate_errors选项设置为 1(默认值为 0):

let g:syntastic_aggregate_errors = 1


启用后,syntastic 会运行适用于当前文件类型的所有检查器,然后汇总所有检查器发现的错误并显示它们。禁用时,syntastic 会依次运行每个检查器,并在检查器第一次发现任何错误时停止显示结果。

于 2014-02-11T15:37:50.197 回答