我有一个插件正在加载到 IE 并尝试读取注册表


路径,并被拒绝。对于应该与 EPM 兼容的加载项,注册表中允许哪些路径(如果有)用于读/写?谢谢!


1 回答 1


This is not well documented by Microsoft/MSDN but this preso by Mark Yason has some good info.

It describes that access is based upon the “ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES” ACE, which gives read access to the following:

  • HKCU\Software...\Explorer\RunMRU
  • HKCU\Software...\Explorer\RecentDocs
  • HKCU\Software...\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs
  • HKLM\Software...\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy
  • HKLM\Software...\Windows NT\CurrentVersion (Registered Owner/Org.)

And it lets you write to:

  • HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\

Note that these are registry areas controlled by MSFT and their access can change in the future.

However, being controlled by an ACE means that access can be obtained via out-of-band means, such as an installer.

于 2014-04-01T20:37:31.837 回答