我正在尝试在 TaskDialog 消息框中显示安全成功图标(蓝色背景)。这不是 TaskDialogStandardIcon 的枚举值之一。参考:http ://dotnet.dzone.com/articles/using-new-taskdialog-winapi 。
如何将这些非标准值分配给 ((TaskDialog)sender).Icon ?在 C# 中甚至可能吗?C#
问候, 阿什温
我正在尝试在 TaskDialog 消息框中显示安全成功图标(蓝色背景)。这不是 TaskDialogStandardIcon 的枚举值之一。参考:http ://dotnet.dzone.com/articles/using-new-taskdialog-winapi 。
如何将这些非标准值分配给 ((TaskDialog)sender).Icon ?在 C# 中甚至可能吗?C#
问候, 阿什温
static class TaskDialogWrapper
[DllImport("comctl32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "TaskDialog")]
static extern int TaskDialog(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hInstance, string pszWindowTitle, string pszMainInstruction, string pszContent, TaskDialogCommonButton dwCommonButtons, IntPtr pszIcon, out IntPtr pnButton);
public static TaskDialogCommonButton Show(IntPtr handle, IntPtr instance, string title, string instructionText, string content, TaskDialogCommonButton commonButtons, TaskDialogCommonIcon commonIcon)
IntPtr resultButton;
if (TaskDialog(handle, instance, title, instructionText, content, commonButtons, new IntPtr((int)commonIcon), out resultButton) != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return (TaskDialogCommonButton)resultButton;
enum TaskDialogCommonButton
Ok = 0x1,
Yes = 0x2,
No = 0x4,
Cancel = 0x8,
Retry = 0x10,
Close = 0x20
enum TaskDialogCommonIcon
ShieldGrey = 65527,
ShieldOk = 65528,
ShieldError = 65529,
ShieldWarning = 65530,
ShieldBlue = 65531,
Shield = 65532,
Information = 65533,
Error = 65534,
Warning = 65535,
enum TaskDialogCommonIcon
None = 0,
Sheet = 2,
ExplorerFolderOpen = 3,
ExplorerFolderFlat = 5,
ExplorerFolderLeft = 6,
Search = 8,
ExplorerFolderClosed = 10,
ExplorerGames = 14,
Application = 15,
TransparentSpace = 17,
ExplorerSearch = 18,
TextFile = 19,
Letter = 20,
Picture = 21,
Diashow = 103,
// ...
我知道这是一个老问题,但我一直在寻找类似的东西,所以我想我会传递我发现的东西。使用@KnorxThieus 发布的信息,我找到了一种在TaskDialog 中使用“隐藏”安全图标的方法,而无需通过上述DLLImport 过程。使用他为TaskDialogCommonIcon
请注意,我使用的是 Nuget (nuget.org/packages/WindowsAPICodePack-Core) 的 WindowsAPICodePack 1.1.2 版,下面的代码已使用 Telerik 代码转换器 ( http://converter.telerik ) 从 Visual Basic 转换而来.com/ ),因此您可能需要在 C# 中进行一些微调:
if (TaskDialog.IsPlatformSupported) {
using (TaskDialog dialog = new TaskDialog()) {
dialog.Caption = "TESTING";
dialog.InstructionText = "THIS IS A TEST";
dialog.Text = "This is a test of casting a value to the desired Icon type for a TaskDialog.";
// Produces the green shield with green background
dialog.Icon = (TaskDialogStandardIcon)65528;
dialog.OwnerWindowHandle = this.Handle;
在我的测试中,这似乎适用于@KnorxThieus 列出的所有枚举以及其他几个枚举。我试图弄清楚是否有类似的方法可以将Icon
和其他对话框,并具有针对WPF和Windows Forms的版本。