是的,我看到paint.net 不再提供源代码。明白了。但是有人知道 Paint.Net 使用什么更新程序吗?是家养的吗?或者作为一个单独的组件提供,也许是开源的或者可以获得许可?我们有一个非常适合的内部企业 Windows 应用程序。
2 回答
I'm pretty sure it's home-grown. Also note that Paint.NET updates very simply - by uninstalling the old version, then installing the new one.
If you can find Paint.NET 3.36 or older's source, it's still under the MIT license.
You could also post on the Paint.NET forum and Rick Brewster might give you the relevant portions of code or give you permission to use Reflector'd code.
His reason for closing the source was because of people ripping off the whole program. If all you're interested in is the updater, this is obviously not your goal and he'd likely be open to it.
我不确定 Pain.Net 使用的是哪一个,但这个非常强大:.NET Client Applications: .NET Application Updater Component