I have a simple layout in which I have integrated a SlidesJS slider example. Now, the thing is, whenever it slides to an image, the animation flickers and it is buggy. It would translate the position perfectly, but right after being done, it goes back a little bit and comes back again, like trying to run but being pulled back at the right position.

I've uploaded a test case for you: http://test-ground.besaba.com/silmond/index.html

The inital examples, however, work perfectly. The only changed thing in my layout are the slider's sizes. I set the container's width to 56% and its height to 400px.

Do you have any idea why this happens?


1 回答 1


啊没关系。导致闪烁的原因是 css 和 javascript 动画/过渡的插入。

* { @include transition(all, 0.2s) }我有一个可怕的想法,在我的代码中设置类似的东西。我在想这会更简单,因为每次我想要平滑过渡时都不必添加这条线。但事实证明并非如此。

于 2014-02-08T08:02:59.930 回答