我正在努力了解 LPEG。我已经设法产生了一种语法,它可以满足我的需求,但是我一直在努力反对这个语法并且没有走远。这个想法是解析一个TeX的简化形式的文档。我想将文档拆分为:
- Environments,它们是
对。 - 命令可以接受这样的参数:
。 - 环境和命令都可以具有如下参数:
. - 其他东西。
lpeg = require("lpeg")
-- Assume a lot of "X = lpeg.X" here.
-- Line number handling from http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-05/msg00607.html
-- with additional print statements to check they are working.
local newline = P"\r"^-1 * "\n" / function (a) print("New"); end
local incrementline = Cg( Cb"linenum" )/ function ( a ) print("NL"); return a + 1 end , "linenum"
local setup = Cg ( Cc ( 1) , "linenum" )
nl = newline * incrementline
space = nl + lpeg.space
-- Taken from "Name-value lists" in http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/
local identifier = (R("AZ") + R("az") + P("_") + R("09"))^1
local sep = lpeg.S(",;") * space^0
local value = (1-lpeg.S(",;]"))^1
local pair = lpeg.Cg(C(identifier) * space ^0 * "=" * space ^0 * C(value)) * sep^-1
local list = lpeg.Cf(lpeg.Ct("") * pair^0, rawset)
local parameters = (P("[") * list * P("]")) ^-1
-- And the rest is mine
anything = C( (space^1 + (1-lpeg.S("\\{}")) )^1) * Cb("linenum") / function (a,b) return { text = a, line = b } end
begin_environment = P("\\begin") * Ct(parameters) * P("{") * Cg(identifier, "environment") * Cb("environment") * P("}") / function (a,b) return { params = a[1], environment = b } end
end_environment = P("\\end{") * Cg(identifier) * P("}")
texlike = lpeg.P{
document = setup * V("stuff") * -1,
stuff = Cg(V"environment" + anything + V"bracketed_stuff" + V"command_with" + V"command_without")^0,
bracketed_stuff = P"{" * V"stuff" * P"}" / function (a) return a end,
command_with =((P("\\") * Cg(identifier) * Ct(parameters) * Ct(V"bracketed_stuff"))-P("\\end{")) / function (i,p,n) return { command = i, parameters = p, nodes = n } end,
command_without = (( P("\\") * Cg(identifier) * Ct(parameters) )-P("\\end{")) / function (i,p) return { command = i, parameters = p } end,
environment = Cg(begin_environment * Ct(V("stuff")) * end_environment) / function (b,stuff, e) return { b = b, stuff = stuff, e = e} end
> texlike:match("\\foo[one=two]thing\\bar")
command = "foo",
parameters = {
one = "two",
line = 1,
text = "thing",
command = "bar",
parameters = {
) 。Ct
这意味着从 a 中只返回一个项目command_with
> texlike:match("\\foo{text \\command moretext}")
command = "foo",
nodes = {
line = 1,
text = "text ",
parameters = {