我目前正在尝试设计一个可以通过蓝牙与安卓手机(Galaxy Nexus)通信的控制器。我面临着一些挑战。另外,我没有太多实际的编程经验。
控制器的核心是一个 Arduino 微控制器,它扫描 8 个数字引脚和 6 个模拟引脚(10 位)的状态,并通过串行将数据发送到 HC-05 蓝牙芯片。然后,安卓手机应该读取通过蓝牙发送的串行信息,然后将数据包传输到另一部手机——这需要我一段时间来实现,因为我对互联网的工作原理知之甚少——或者分析和解释它以采取进一步行动采取
我所要求的是有关执行此操作的最佳方法的见解。现在最好是什么意思?我们希望它是实时的,所以当我按下按钮或底部组合时,Android 手机会以足够快的速度采取行动,人类不会察觉到延迟。
This Program has three functions:
1) Scan 8 digital pins and compile their state in a single byte ( 8 bits)
2) Scans 6 Analogue inputs corresponding to the joysticks and triggers
3) Send this info as packets through seril --> Bluetooth
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>// import the serial software library
#define A = 2
#define B = 3
#define X = 4
#define Y = 5
#define LB = 6
#define RB = 7
#define LJ = 8
#define RJ = 9
#define RX = 10
#define TX = 11
//Pin 12 and 13 are unused for now
SoftwareSerial Bluetooth(RX,TX); //Setup software serial using the defined constants
// declare other variables
byte state = B00000000
void setup() {
//Setup code here, to run once:
//Setup all digital pin inputs
//Setup all analogue pin inputs
//setup serial bus and send validation message
Bluetooth.println("The controller has successfuly connected to the phone")
void loop() {
//Main code here, to run repeatedly:
//Loop to sum digital inputs in a byte, left shift the byte every time by 1 and add that if the pin is high
for(byte pin = 2, b = B00000001; pin < 10; pin++, b = b << 1){ if (digitalRead(pin)== HIGH) state += b; }
//Send digital state byte to serial
//Loop to read analgue pin 0 to 5 and send it to serial
for( int pin = 0, testByte = 0x8000; pin < 6 ; pin++, testByte = testByte >> 1) { Bluetooth.write(analogRead(pin)+testByte); }
//Adding some validation would be wise. How would I go about doing that?
// Could add a binary value of 1000_0000_0000_0000, 0100_0000_0000_0000, 0010_0000_0000_0000 ... so on and then use a simple AND statement at the other end to veryfy what analogue reading the info came from
// so say the value for analgue is 1023 and came from analgue pin 1 I would have 0100_0011_1111_1111 now using an bitwise && I could check it against 0100_0000_0000_0000 if the result is 0100_0000_0000_0000 then I know this is the analogu reading from pin 1
//could easily implement a test loop with a shiting bit on the android side
我做这样的位移是没有意义的吗?最终,如果我没记错的话,所有数据都以字节(8 位数据包)发送,那么Bluetooth.write(analogRead(pin)+testByte)
数据?它将如何分解,我如何在 android 端恢复它?