在相对简单的代码中(似乎是),似乎 Void 和 X 之间存在类型不匹配。从我在库中读到的内容(在某些时候这将成为类型同义词),我不确定如何解释类型错误。
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings,RankNTypes #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Char8 as A
import qualified Pipes as P
import qualified Pipes.Attoparsec as PA
import qualified Pipes.ByteString as PB
import qualified Pipes.Parse as PP
passthrough :: A.Parser PB.ByteString
passthrough = A.takeWhile (\s->True)
f :: Monad m => PP.StateT (P.Producer PB.ByteString m r) m (Either String String)
f = do
r <- PA.parse passthrough
return $ case r of
Left e -> Left "a"
Right (_,r1) -> Right "b"
g = PP.evalStateT f PB.stdin
h = P.runEffect g
Couldn't match type `pipes-4.0.2:Pipes.Internal.Proxy
Data.Void.Void () () PB.ByteString m r0'
with `P.Proxy P.X () () PB.ByteString m r'
Expected type: PP.StateT
(PP.Producer PB.ByteString m r)
(Either PA.ParsingError (Int, PB.ByteString))
Actual type: PP.StateT
(pipes-4.0.2:Pipes.Core.Producer PB.ByteString m r0)
(Either PA.ParsingError (Int, PB.ByteString))
In the return type of a call of `PA.parse'
In a stmt of a 'do' block: r <- PA.parse passthrough
In the expression:
do { r <- PA.parse passthrough;
$ case r of {
Left e -> Left "a"
Right (_, r1) -> Right "b" } } Failed, modules loaded: none.