We have a MySQL master database which replicates to a MySQL slave. We were experiencing issues where MySQL was showing a high number of writes (but not an increased number of queries being ran) for a short period of time (a few hours). We are trying to investigate the cause.

Normally our binary logs are 1 GB in file size but during the period that we were experiencing these issues, the log files jumped to 8.5 GB.

When I run mysqlbinlog --short-form BINARYLOG.0000 on one of the 8.5 GB binary log it only returns 196 KB of queries and data. When I run mysqlbinlog --short-form on a normal binary log (1 GB) it returns around 8,500 KB worth of queries and database activity. That doesn't make sense because it has 7 GB more of data yet returns less than a 1 GB binary log file.

I see lots of these statements with very sequential timestamps, but I'm not sure if that's related to the problem because they're in both the normal period as well as when we experienced these issues.

SET TIMESTAMP=1391452372/*!*/;COMMIT/*!*/;
SET TIMESTAMP=1391452372/*!*/;BEGIN/*!*/;COMMIT/*!*/;
SET TIMESTAMP=1391452372/*!*/;BEGIN/*!*/;COMMIT/*!*/;
SET TIMESTAMP=1391452372/*!*/;BEGIN/*!*/;COMMIT/*!*/;

How can I determine what caused those binary logs to balloon in size which also caused high writes, so much so it took the server offline at points, almost like a DDoS attack would?

How could mysqlbinlog return so much less data, even though the binary log file itself had 7 GB more? What can I do to identify the difference between a normal period where the binary logs are 1 GB to the period we had issues with the 8 GB binary log? Thank you for any help you can provide.



1 回答 1


我猜你的日志包含某种形式的LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INFILE命令和与之关联的数据文件。这些命令不会生成太多 SQL 输出,因为它们的数据mysqlbinlog在处理期间被写入临时文件。你能检查输出是否包含任何这样的LOAD DATA命令吗?

于 2014-02-06T10:01:10.277 回答