I'd like to have the cell background colour change to green or red depending on what I type in the cell, and I would like this to be dependent on the cell above.

So if the A1 cell says 7 and I type 8 into A2 I want A2 to have a red background.

If the A1 cell says 7 and I type 6 into A2 I want the background colour to change to green.

So, to recap, if A2 is less than or greater than A1, I want A2 to change to green or red. And I want to have this happening throughout the entire A column.

If A3 is higher or lower than A2 I want A3's background colour to change to red or green but I'm not bothered about A3 being higher or lower than A1, if you know what I mean? - I only want the cell to change colour based on the cell directly above it.

I am aware of conditional formatting and the option to use formula and also the <> options but I just can't seem to get it to work? I'm using the new Google spreadsheets.

Thanks In Advance Philip.


1 回答 1



Select A2
Format - Conditional Formatting

从下拉列表中选择"Custom formula is"并键入=A1<A2勾号Background,然后选择红色。根据需要进行更改Range

单击 + 添加其他规则

从下拉列表中选择"Custom formula is"并键入=A1>A2勾号Background,然后选择绿色。Range按照规则 1更改。


于 2014-02-05T11:30:10.480 回答