I have a app which is a website builder. Lets say the app is on a azure webrole and its domain is called www.myapp.com.

I want to offer a service where users can use their custom domain with my app. So User 1 has a domain called ww.user1.com, user2 has www.user2.com etc. Whenever someone types www.user1.com, I want them to be able to see come to my my app ie www.myapp.com, with the browser still showing www.user1.com. You can assume I have complete access to the DNS and nameservers of these custom domains. I just need to understand how to configure this in azure.


1 回答 1


不是真的,因为它是在单个云上多个自定义域的 SSL 绑定。我试图弄清楚如何在云服务上拥有一个应用程序,其中内容会根据最终用户用来导航到网站的自定义域进行更改。结果很简单,只需要配置 cname 并在服务器端 aspx page_init 上监听 host_header –</p>

于 2014-02-27T20:47:59.647 回答