Context: I have several CGPathRef's in a custom class, derived from NSObject, named model
. I'm looking for a way to return a specific CGPathRef, based one a string I generate at runtime.
Simplified Example, if I could use KVC:
@property (nonatomic) CGMutablePathRef pathForwardTo1;
@property (nonatomic) CGMutablePathRef pathForwardTo2;
@property (nonatomic) CGMutablePathRef pathForwardTo3;
-(void)animateFromOrigin:(int)origin toDestination:(int)destination{
int difference = abs(origin - destination);
for (int x =1; x<difference; x++) {
NSString *pathName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"pathForwardTo%d", x];
id cgPathRefFromString = [self.model valueForKey:pathName];
CGPathAddPath(animationPath, NULL, cgPathRefFromString);
Question: How can I access non-KVC compliant properties (CGPathRef) with just their name represented as a string?