(来自 HTML),我为UITextView
- (void)setHtml:(NSString *)html {
NSData *htmlData = [html dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// Create the HTML string
NSDictionary *importParams = @{NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType};
NSError *error = nil;
self.htmlString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithData:htmlData options:importParams documentAttributes:NULL error:&error];
self.editorView.attributedText = self.htmlString;
然后我让用户编辑他们想要的内容,然后我想再次将其转换为 HTML,所以我使用ULIKit htmlFromRange:的编辑版本。这是相关的方法:
-(NSString*) HTMLFromRange: (NSRange)range
unsigned int location = 0;
NSRange effRange;
NSMutableString* str = [NSMutableString string];
NSMutableString* endStr = [NSMutableString string];
NSDictionary* attrs = nil;
NSDictionary* oldAttrs = nil;
unsigned int finalLen = range.location +range.length;
// TODO: Use oldAttrs, add NSForegroundColorAttributeName and
attrs = [self attributesAtIndex: location effectiveRange: &effRange];
location = effRange.location +effRange.length;
NSLog(@"attributed string: %@", self);
// Font/color changed?
UIFont* fnt = [attrs objectForKey: NSFontAttributeName];
UIColor* tcol = [attrs objectForKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
if( fnt || tcol )
[str appendString: @"<font"];
if( tcol )
[str appendFormat: @" color=\"%@\"", ColorToHTMLColor(tcol)];
[str appendString: @">"];
[endStr insertString: @"</font>" atIndex: 0];
UIFontDescriptor *fontDescriptor = [fnt fontDescriptor];
if( (fontDescriptor.symbolicTraits & UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic) == UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic )
[str appendString: @"<i>"];
[endStr insertString: @"</i>" atIndex: 0];
if( (fontDescriptor.symbolicTraits & UIFontDescriptorTraitBold) == UIFontDescriptorTraitBold)
[str appendString: @"<b>"];
[endStr insertString: @"</b>" atIndex: 0];
NSNumber *underline = [attrs objectForKey:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName];
if(underline && [underline intValue] > 0) {
[str appendString:@"<u>"];
[endStr insertString:@"</u>" atIndex:0];
// Superscript changed?
NSNumber* supers = [attrs objectForKey: (NSString*)kCTSuperscriptAttributeName];
if( supers && supers != [oldAttrs objectForKey: (NSString*)kCTSuperscriptAttributeName] )
[str appendString: [supers intValue] > 0 ? @"<sup>" : @"<sub>"];
[endStr insertString: [supers intValue] > 0 ? @"</sup>" : @"</sub>" atIndex: 0];
// Actual text and closing tags:
[str appendString: [[[self string] substringWithRange:effRange] stringByInsertingHTMLEntitiesAndLineBreaks: YES]];
[str appendString: endStr];
while( location < finalLen )
[endStr setString: @""];
attrs = [self attributesAtIndex: location effectiveRange: &effRange];
location = effRange.location +effRange.length;
// Font/color changed?
UIFont* fnt = [attrs objectForKey: NSFontAttributeName];
UIColor* tcol = [attrs objectForKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
if( fnt || tcol )
[str appendString: @"<font"];
if( tcol )
[str appendFormat: @" color=\"%@\"", ColorToHTMLColor(tcol)];
[str appendString: @">"];
[endStr insertString: @"</font>" atIndex: 0];
UIFontDescriptor *fontDescriptor = [fnt fontDescriptor];
if( (fontDescriptor.symbolicTraits & UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic) == UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic )
[str appendString: @"<i>"];
[endStr insertString: @"</i>" atIndex: 0];
if( (fontDescriptor.symbolicTraits & UIFontDescriptorTraitBold) == UIFontDescriptorTraitBold )
[str appendString: @"<b>"];
[endStr insertString: @"</b>" atIndex: 0];
NSNumber *underline = [attrs objectForKey:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName];
if(underline && [underline intValue] > 0) {
[str appendString:@"<u>"];
[endStr insertString:@"</u>" atIndex:0];
// Superscript changed?
NSNumber* supers = [attrs objectForKey: (NSString*)kCTSuperscriptAttributeName];
if( supers && supers != [oldAttrs objectForKey: (NSString*)kCTSuperscriptAttributeName] )
[str appendString: [supers intValue] > 0 ? @"<sup>" : @"<sub>"];
[endStr insertString: [supers intValue] > 0 ? @"</sup>" : @"</sub>" atIndex: 0];
// Actual text and closing tags:
[str appendString: [[[self string] substringWithRange:effRange] stringByInsertingHTMLEntitiesAndLineBreaks: YES]];
[str appendString: endStr];
return str;
从 HTML 解析的方法将列表(和标签)从我在日志中看到的内容解析为 NSTextLists。 NSTextList
在 UIKit 中是私有的。有没有办法在不使用苹果默认解析器的情况下将其解析回列表(通过添加到我上面的 htmlFromRange 方法)?(见这个问题: 来自 Nic Hubbard)。
我了解如果用户在我的 textview 中创建一个列表以使用自定义属性来伪造 NSTextList,然后我可以轻松地将其解析为 html,但无法找到一种方法来使用预制的NSAttributedString
谢谢。(我会注意到,如果您想在两个地方都回答,我会悬赏非常相关的 Nic Hubbard 问题。)