
class Employee
    private int employeeID;
    private string firstName;
    private string lastName;
    private bool eligibleOT;
    private int positionID;
    private string positionName;
    private ArrayList arrPhone;
    public IList<Sector> ArrSector {get; private set;}

    //the constructor method takes in all the information of the employee
    public Employee(int empID, string fname, string lname, bool elOT, int pos, string posname)
        employeeID = empID;
        firstName = fname;
        lastName = lname;
        eligibleOT = elOT;
        positionID = pos;
        positionName = posname;
        arrPhone = new ArrayList();
        ArrSector = new List<Sector>();

    //the constructor method takes in the employee id, the first name and the last name of the employee
    public Employee(int empid, string firstname,string lastname)
        employeeID = empid;
        firstName = firstname;
        lastName = lastname;

    //overtides the first name and the last name as a string.
    public override string ToString()
        return firstName +" "+lastName;

    public int EmployeeID
        get { return employeeID; }
        set { employeeID = value; }

    public string FirstName
        get { return firstName; }
        set { firstName = value; }

    public string LastName
        get { return lastName; }
        set { lastName = value; }

    public bool EligibleOT
        get { return eligibleOT; }
        set { eligibleOT = value; }

    public int PositionID
        get { return positionID; }
        set { positionID = value; }

    public string PositionName
        get { return positionName; }
        set { positionName = value; }

    public ArrayList ArrPhone
        get { return arrPhone; }
        set { arrPhone = value; }

    // The function assigns all the variables associated to the employee to a new object.
    public static object DeepClone(object obj)
        object objResult = null;
        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
            BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
            bf.Serialize(ms, obj);
            ms.Position = 0;
            objResult = bf.Deserialize(ms);
        return objResult;

   //Memento pattern is used to save the employee state.
   //The changes will be rolled back if the update button not clicked
    public class Memento : IMemento
        private Employee originator = null;
        private int employeeID;
        private string firstName;
        private string lastName;
        private bool eligibleOT;
        private int positionID;
        private string positionName;
        private ArrayList arrPhone;
        private IList<Sector> arrSector;

        public Memento(Employee data)
            this.employeeID = data.EmployeeID;
            this.firstName = data.FirstName;
            this.lastName = data.LastName;
            this.eligibleOT = data.EligibleOT;
            this.positionID = data.PositionID;
            this.positionName = data.PositionName;
            this.arrPhone = data.ArrPhone;

            this.originator = data;
            this.arrSector = Extensions.Clone<Sector>(data.ArrSector);


我在winforms中使用升C。我的应用程序的前端在左侧有一个列表框,其中包含员工的名字。在左侧,有不同的文本框对应于列表框中选择的员工。我以这样一种方式对其进行了编码,每次我选择一个员工时,它的属性,如员工 ID、姓名、职位等都会显示在这些字段中。


出于这个原因,我创建了 momento 类来保存员工的先前状态。我也尝试过重载 == 运算符

        public static bool operator ==(Employee e, Memento m)
            return ((e.employeeID == m.employeeID) &&
               (e.firstName == m.firstName) &&
               e.lastName == m.lastName &&
               e.eligibleOT == m.eligibleOT &&
               e.positionID == m.positionID &&
               e.positionName == m.positionName &&
               e.arrPhone == m.arrPhone &&
               e.ArrSector == m.arrSector);

        public static bool operator !=(Employee e, Memento m)
            return (e.employeeID != m.employeeID);



2 回答 2



if(!(a == b) && !(a != b))
    // head explodes


if(listBox1.SelectedItem != currentMemento)

如果是这种情况,则编译器不会将 绑定!=到您的自定义实现。强制listBox1.SelectedItem转换Employee为强制。

if((Employee)listBox1.SelectedItem != currentMemento)


  • 完全在 GUI 端实现实现,bool设置为true文本字段中的数据更改时,然后在更改员工时检查该标志
  • 实现IComparableorIEquatable接口
  • 覆盖和/或类Equals上的方法EmployeeMemento




private Employee lastSelectedEmployee;
private Memento selectedMemento;

void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Employee selectedEmployee = (Employee)listBox1.SelectedItem;

    if(lastSelectedEmployee != null && lastSelectedEmployee != selectedEmployee)
        if(/*changes exist*/)
            if(/*cancel changes*/)
                listBox1.SelectedItem = lastSelectedEmployee;


    lastSelectedEmployee = selectedEmployee;
    selectedMemento = //create the memento based on selectedEmployee;


于 2010-01-28T13:48:53.280 回答

看看 IComparable 接口。它要求您实现不需要进行此类比较的方法。知识库文章,希望它为你变成英语,在我的电脑上它总是变成德语。


于 2010-01-28T13:36:46.543 回答