N208 has forall/2 defined + (call(Generator), + call(Test)), so this makes it less dubious. But by virtue that the ISO core standard (+)/1 does already a call/1 and that the ISO core standard (,)/2 will be subject to body conversion one can simply define it as follows in an ISO core standard Prolog:
forall(Generator, Test) :-
\+ (Generator, \+ Test).
SWI-Prolog has also implemented this way, and the error observed by Ulrich Neumerkel will not be seen when using forall/2:
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 7.7.18)
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?- \+ ( C= !, \+ (C,fail;writeq(nonconforming))).
?- forall(C=!, (C,fail;writeq(nonconforming))).
Side remark:
I don't know how useful it is for loop. It seems to me using it for loops is not the right approach, since the test might fail, and then the construct also fails. I have also seen by Striegnitz and Blackburn the following definition of a helper predicate that they call failiure driven loop.
doall(Goal) :-
Goal, fail.
I find myself directly writing Goal, fail; true
which also does the job:
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 7.7.18)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
?- member(A,[1,2,3,4]), write(A), nl, fail; true.