For instance, as a minimal working example, say I have built the following package Test:

# In R\Test.R :
#' @import methods 
#' @exportClass C
C <- setClass("C")

and now I change setClass to setRefClass:

C <- setRefClass("C")

when doing a 'Build & Reload' (in RStudio) I get the error

==> roxygenize('.', roclets=c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace'))

* checking for changes ... ERROR

Error in getRefClass(class) : 
  class �C� is defined but is not a reference class

Well, of course it isn't a reference class yet, but in my updated package it will be! Checking the old class definition also throws up weird warnings:

> getClass("C")
Virtual Class "C" [package "Test"]

No Slots, prototype of class "NULL"
Warning message:
In .recacheSubclasses(def@className, def, doSubclasses, env) :
  undefined subclass "C" of class "refObject"; definition not updated

It appears Roxygen ignores my new definition of C and the old class definition still stands. How can I get Roxygen to focus on my new definition and for my rebuild to succeed?

(Note that this problem is not specific to setClass - I'm just using it as an example.)

My setup:

I have Roxygen set up in RStudio to run before I rebuild, so that my NAMESPACE file is updated automatically if my @exports etc change.

  • Roxygen2 3.0.0
    • Using roxygen to generate (in RStudio):
      • Rd files
      • Collate field
      • NAMESPACE file
    • Automatically roxygenising when running (in RStudio):
      • R CMD check
      • Source and binary package builds
      • Build & Reload
  • R: 3.0.2 (Frisbee Sailing)
  • IDE: RStudio 0.98.490
  • OS: Windows 8.1

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