
我发现Fare ( https://github.com/moodmosaic/Fare ) 以某种方式完成了这项工作。请参见以下示例:

string pattern = "123[0-9][0-9]";
var xeger = new Xeger(pattern);
var match = xeger.Generate(); //match is e.g. "12349"

不幸的是,Fare-lib 只给了我一个可能的匹配,但不是字符串可以有的所有 100 种可能的组合。

如果您认为正则表达式在这种情况下不是一个好主意,并且宁愿建议一个替换字符的 for 循环实现,我也会这样做,但目前我不知道如何?也许递归函数会很聪明?


2 回答 2



 private static Regex regexRegex = new Regex("\\[(?<From>\\d)-(?<To>\\d)]", RegexOptions.Compiled);

    private static IEnumerable<string> GetStringsForRegex(string pattern)
        var strings = Enumerable.Repeat("", 1);
        var lastIndex = 0;
        foreach (Match m in regexRegex.Matches(pattern))
            if (m.Index > lastIndex)
                var capturedLastIndex = lastIndex;
                strings = strings.Select(s => s + pattern.Substring(capturedLastIndex, m.Index - capturedLastIndex));
            int from = int.Parse(m.Groups["From"].Value);
            int to = int.Parse(m.Groups["To"].Value);
            if (from > to)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            strings = strings.SelectMany(s => Enumerable.Range(from, to - from + 1), (s, i) => s + i.ToString());
            lastIndex = m.Index + m.Length;
        if (lastIndex < pattern.Length)
             var capturedLastIndex = lastIndex;
             strings = strings.Select(s => s + pattern.Substring(capturedLastIndex));
        return strings;


当心capturedLastIndex变量。它是必需的,否则编译器会捕获 lastIndex 变量,从而导致不正确的结果。

于 2014-02-02T23:48:12.320 回答


        List<string> possibleMatches = new List<string>();

        string expression = "123?[3-9]" //this is an example

        if (expression.Contains("?") || expression.Contains("["))
            int count = expression.Count(f => f == '?');
            count += expression.Count(f => f == '[');
            if (count <= 2)
                string pattern = expression.Replace('*', '.').Replace('?', '.');
                pattern = pattern.Replace(".", "[0-9]"); 

                int pos1 = pattern.IndexOf('[');
                int start1 = Convert.ToInt32(pattern[pos1 + 1].ToString());
                int end1 = Convert.ToInt32(pattern[pos1 + 3].ToString());

                int pos2 = 0;
                int start2, end2 = 0;
                if (count > 1)
                    pos2 = pattern.IndexOf('[', pos1);
                    start2 = Convert.ToInt32(pattern[pos2 + 1].ToString());
                    end2 = Convert.ToInt32(pattern[pos2 + 3].ToString());

                    pattern = pattern.Remove(pos1, "[0-9]".Length);
                    pattern = pattern.Remove(pos2, "[0-9]".Length);

                    string copy = pattern;
                    for (int i = start1; i <= end1; i++)
                        copy = pattern.Insert(pos1, i.ToString());
                        for (int y = start2; y <= end2; y++)
                            possibleMatches.Add(copy.Insert(pos2, y.ToString()));
                    pattern = pattern.Remove(pos1, "[0-9]".Length);

                    for (int i = start1; i <= end1; i++)
                        possibleMatches.Add(pattern.Insert(pos1, i.ToString()));
于 2014-02-03T14:52:26.393 回答