这是一个使用 Stata 变量标签评估您想要的任何表达式的函数:
#' Function to prettify the output of another function using a `var.labels` attribute
#' This is particularly useful in combination with read.dta et al.
#' @param dat A data.frame with attr `var.labels` giving descriptions of variables
#' @param expr An expression to evaluate with pretty var.labels
#' @return The result of the expression, with variable names replaced with their labels
#' @examples
#' testDF <- data.frame( a=seq(10),b=runif(10),c=rnorm(10) )
#' attr(testDF,"var.labels") <- c("Identifier","Important Data","Lies, Damn Lies, Statistics")
#' prettify( testDF, quote(str(dat)) )
prettify <- function( dat, expr ) {
labels <- attr(dat,"var.labels")
for(i in seq(ncol(dat))) colnames(dat)[i] <- labels[i]
attr(dat,"var.labels") <- NULL
eval( expr )
然后你可以prettify(testDF, quote(table(...)))