How can I call Function.prototype.bind with an array of arguments, as opposed to hardcoded arguments? (Not using ECMA6, so no spread operator).
I'm trying to put a promises wrapper around a module that uses callbacks and I want to bind all of the arguments passed in to my wrapper method and bind them. Then I want to call the partially applied bound function with my own callback, which will resolve or reject a promise.
var find = function() {
var deferred, bound;
deferred = Q.defer();
bound = db.find.bind(null, arguments);
bound(function(err, docs) {
if(err) {;
} else {
return deferred.promise;
But obviously this doesn't work because bind expects arguments rather than an array of arguments. I know I could do this by inserting my callback onto the end of the arguments array and using apply:
arguments[arguments.length] = function(err, docs) { ... }
db.find.apply(null, arguments);
Or by iterating over the arguments array and rebinding the function for each argument:
var bound, context;
for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
context = bound ? bound : db.find;
bound = context.bind(null, arguments[i]);
bound(function(err, docs) { ... })
But both of these methods feel dirty. Any ideas?