This is the file I am trying to load:
import Data.List (foldl')
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Char (ord)
--data IntParsedStr = Int | ParsingError
--data ParsingError = ParsingError String
asInt :: String -> Either String Integer
asInt "" = Left "Empty string"
asInt xs@(x:xt) | x == '-' = either Left (Right . ((-1) *)) (asInt' xt)
| otherwise = either Left Right (asInt' xs)
where asInt' :: String -> Either String Integer
asInt' "" = Left "No digits"
asInt' xs = foldl' step (Right 0) xs
where step :: Either String Integer -> Char -> Either String Integer
step (Left e) _ = Left e
step (Right ac) c = either Left (Right . (10 * ac + ) . fromIntegral) (charAsInt c)
charAsInt :: Char -> Either String Int
charAsInt c | between (ord '0') (ord c) (ord '9') = Right $ ord c - ord '0'
| otherwise = Left $ printf "'%c' is not a digit" c
checkPrecision str = either error ((str == ). show) (asInt str)
between :: Ord t => t -> t -> t -> Bool
between a b c = a <= b && b <= c
It loads without any problem in ghci but in hugs I get this error:
ERROR "folds.hs":17 - Syntax error in expression (unexpected `)')
Line 17 is the last in the definition of asInt function
Hi! I recently founded that this is in fact a known hugs issue as said in this question where there is a link to the Hugs 98 Users Guide where says that
Legal expressions like (a+b+) and (a*b+) are rejected.