,而不是使用O(n log n)
>>> A = [500, 300, 400, 200, 100]
>>> index = { k:i for i,k in enumerate(A, 1) }
>>> random_list = [200, 100, 50]
>>> [i for i,x in enumerate(random_list) if x in index]
[0, 1]
>>> map(index.get, random_list)
[4, 5, None]
>>> filter(None, map(index.get, random_list))
[4, 5]
这是 Python 2,在 Python 3 中map
我尝试尽可能多地使用内置函数将计算负担推到 C 端(假设您使用 CPython)。所有名称都是预先解析的,所以应该很快。
一般来说,为了获得最佳性能,您可能需要考虑使用PyPy,这是一个带有 JIT 编译的绝佳替代 Python 实现。
import sys
is_pypy = '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names
import timeit
import random
if not is_pypy:
import numpy
import bisect
n = 10000
m = 10000
q = 100
A = set()
while len(A) < n: A.add(random.randint(0,2*n))
A = list(A)
queries = set()
while len(queries) < m: queries.add(random.randint(0,2*n))
queries = list(queries)
# these two solve question one (find indices of queries that exist in A)
if not is_pypy:
def fun11():
for _ in range(q):
numpy.nonzero(numpy.in1d(queries, A))[0]
def fun12():
index = set(A)
for _ in range(q):
[i for i,x in enumerate(queries) if x in index]
# these three solve question two (find according entries of B)
def fun21():
index = { k:i for i,k in enumerate(A, 1) }
for _ in range(q):
[index[i] for i in queries if i in index]
def fun22():
index = { k:i for i,k in enumerate(A, 1) }
for _ in range(q):
list(filter(None, map(index.get, queries)))
def findit(keys, values, key):
i = bisect.bisect(keys, key)
if i == len(keys) or keys[i] != key:
return None
return values[i]
def fun23():
keys, values = zip(*sorted((k,i) for i,k in enumerate(A,1)))
for _ in range(q):
list(filter(None, [findit(keys, values, x) for x in queries]))
if not is_pypy:
# note this does not filter out nonexisting elements
def fun24():
I = numpy.argsort(A)
ss = numpy.searchsorted
maxi = len(I)
for _ in range(q):
a = ss(A, queries, sorter=I)
tests = ("fun12", "fun21", "fun22", "fun23")
if not is_pypy: tests = ("fun11",) + tests + ("fun24",)
if is_pypy:
# warmup
for f in tests:
timeit.timeit("%s()" % f, setup = "from __main__ import %s" % f, number=20)
# actual timing
for f in tests:
print("%s: %.3f" % (f, timeit.timeit("%s()" % f, setup = "from __main__ import %s" % f, number=3)))
$ python2 -V
Python 2.7.6
$ python3 -V
Python 3.3.3
$ pypy -V
Python 2.7.3 (87aa9de10f9ca71da9ab4a3d53e0ba176b67d086, Dec 04 2013, 12:50:47)
[PyPy 2.2.1 with GCC 4.8.2]
$ python2 test.py
fun11: 1.016
fun12: 0.349
fun21: 0.302
fun22: 0.276
fun23: 2.432
fun24: 0.897
$ python3 test.py
fun11: 0.973
fun12: 0.382
fun21: 0.423
fun22: 0.341
fun23: 3.650
fun24: 0.894
$ pypy ~/tmp/test.py
fun12: 0.087
fun21: 0.073
fun22: 0.128
fun23: 1.131
(size of A
(size of random_list
) 和q
(number of queries)。令我惊讶的是,我尝试变得聪明并使用内置函数而不是列表组合并没有得到回报,因为fun22
(在 Python 2 中只有 ~10% 和在 Python 3 中 ~25%,但几乎慢 75%在 PyPy 中)。这里是一个过早优化的案例。我猜这个差异是由于fun22
在 Python 2 中每个查询都建立了一个不必要的临时列表。我们还看到二进制搜索非常糟糕(看fun23