我正在尝试根据主题行对电子邮件进行分类,并且我必须获取 LSI 才能训练分类器。我正在获取 tf-idf 并进一步尝试获取 LSI 模型。但是,它根本不对任何文件进行任何处理/写入。我的代码如下:
#reading the list of subjects for features
f = open('subject1000.csv','rb')
f500 = open('subject500.csv','wb')
with open('subject1000.csv') as myfile:
head=list(islice(myfile,500))#only 500 subjects for training
for h in head:
#print h
texts = (line.lower().split() for line in head) #creating texts of subjects
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(texts) #all the words used to create dictionary
print dictionary #checkpoint - 2215 unique tokens -- 2215 unique words to 1418 for 500 topics
#corpus streaming
class MyCorpus(object):
def __iter__(self):
for line in open('subject500.csv','rb'): #supposed to be one document per line -- open('subject1000.csv','rb')
yield dictionary.doc2bow(line.lower().split()) #every line - converted to bag-of-words format = list of (token_id, token_count) 2-tuples
print 'corpus created'
corpus = MyCorpus() # object created
for vector in corpus:
print vector
tfidf = models.TfidfModel(corpus)
corpus_tfidf= tfidf[corpus] #re-initialize the corpus according to the model to get the normalized frequencies.
corpora.MmCorpus.serialize('subject500-tfidf', corpus_tfidf) #store to disk for later use
print 'TFIDF complete!' #check - till here its ok
lsi300 = models.LsiModel(corpus_tfidf, num_topics=300, id2word=dictionary) #using the trained corpus to use LSI indexing
corpus_lsi300 = lsi300[corpus_tfidf]
print corpus_lsi300 #checkpoint
lsi300.print_topics(10,5) #checks
corpora.BleiCorpus.serialize('subjects500-lsi-300', corpus_lsi300)
我得到输出直到“TFIDF 完成!” 但随后程序不会为 LSI 返回任何内容。对于上述内容,我正在浏览 500 个主题行。任何关于可能出错的想法将不胜感激!谢谢。
INFO:gensim.corpora.dictionary:adding document #0 to Dictionary(0 unique tokens)
INFO:gensim.corpora.dictionary:built Dictionary(1418 unique tokens) from 500 documents (total 3109 corpus positions)
DEBUG:gensim.corpora.dictionary:rebuilding dictionary, shrinking gaps
INFO:gensim.models.tfidfmodel:collecting document frequencies
INFO:gensim.models.tfidfmodel:PROGRESS: processing document #0
INFO:gensim.models.tfidfmodel:calculating IDF weights for 500 documents and 1418 features (3081 matrix non-zeros)
INFO:gensim.corpora.mmcorpus:storing corpus in Matrix Market format to subject500-tfidf
INFO:gensim.matutils:saving sparse matrix to subject500-tfidf
INFO:gensim.matutils:PROGRESS: saving document #0
INFO:gensim.matutils:saved 500x1418 matrix, density=0.435% (3081/709000)
DEBUG:gensim.matutils:closing subject500-tfidf
DEBUG:gensim.matutils:closing subject500-tfidf
INFO:gensim.corpora.indexedcorpus:saving MmCorpus index to subject500-tfidf.index
INFO:gensim.models.lsimodel:using serial LSI version on this node
INFO:gensim.models.lsimodel:updating model with new documents
INFO:gensim.models.lsimodel:preparing a new chunk of documents
DEBUG:gensim.models.lsimodel:converting corpus to csc format
INFO:gensim.models.lsimodel:using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
INFO:gensim.models.lsimodel:1st phase: constructing (1418, 400) action matrix
INFO:gensim.models.lsimodel:orthonormalizing (1418, 400) action matrix
DEBUG:gensim.matutils:computing QR of (1418, 400) dense matrix
DEBUG:gensim.models.lsimodel:running 2 power iterations
DEBUG:gensim.matutils:computing QR of (1418, 400) dense matrix
DEBUG:gensim.matutils:computing QR of (1418, 400) dense matrix
INFO:gensim.models.lsimodel:2nd phase: running dense svd on (400, 500) matrix