Is documentation for AMD Mantle available somewhere ? I can't find anything on
Comparision of OpenGL,DirectX and Mantle would be nice, if Mantle is at the same level ob abstraction.
According to the GDC presentation the Mantle Beta SDK developer website will opening in April. But there will be only selected access. You have to contact AMD if want to have access to it. You have also to sign a secrecy agreement. Because of this I think there will be no public documentation available.
By the way the prementioned presentation shows some code snippets, which gives you some hints how the API looks like. It seems that Mantle is more like Direct3D 12 offering pipeline state objects, command list, discriptor heaps and tables.
Things like bindless textures resources also already avaible in OpenGL.
This presentation shows some code snippets of using Mantle - like this one:
appInfo.pAppName = "myApp";
appInfo.pEngineName = "myEngine";
appInfo.apiVersion = GR_API_VERSION;
GR_UINT32 gpuCount;
GR_RESULT result = grInitAndEnumerateGpus(&appInfo, nullptr, &gpuCount, &gpus[0]);
if(result == GR_SUCCESS)
FindSutableGPu(gpus, gpuCount);
You can register for the Mantle beta program here:
可从 AMD 网站获得 Mantle 的文档。
来自网站:“Mantle API 编程指南副本:这份 450 页的编程指南和 API 参考为开发人员提供了对 Mantle 图形 API 功能和架构的详细了解。”
更新链接:https ://
也就是说,图书馆本身并不公开。核心概念(以及 API 本身的大部分结构)已被纳入 DirectX 12 和 Vulkan 的设计中。
然而,Mantle 仍然存在并且仍在开发中。当前的重点是为即将推出的基于 AMD 硬件的 VR 解决方案添加一流的支持。Mantle 目前仍仅适用于 NDA 下的 AMD 合作伙伴。
有几个项目专注于对 Mantle 进行逆向工程并提供可用的包装器。特别是,lwjgl ( ) 正致力于包装 Mantle 以在 Java 程序中使用。
目前(2015 年 7 月)最好的选择是下载 Windows 10 Technical Preview 版本以及 Microsoft Visual Studio 开发工具。这将使您能够在今天编写 DirectX 12 应用程序,即使 DirectX 12 尚未“发布”。
这是 API 的完整参考/说明。