当我运行我的简单 MIPS 程序时,我在某行代码中收到编译器错误。这是我初始化变量的 .data 部分:
prompt1: .asciiz "Please enter the rain fall for month "
prompt2: .asciiz ": "
array_size: .word 12
array: .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
avg: .asciiz "The average rainfall is "
inches: .asciiz " inches."
max: .asciiz "The month with the most rainfall was month "
min: .asciiz "The month with the least rainfall was month "
neg: .asciiz "That number is a negative number Please enter a positive number."
max_num: .word 0
min_num: .word 0
avg_num: .word 0
month_num: .word 1
neg: .asciiz "That number is a negative number Please enter a positive number."
它简单地告诉我这个位置有一个 spim(解析器)错误。我想知道我的语法是否不正确或者只是编译器有问题。提前致谢。