Given i'm building my angularjs protractor e2e tesing suite leveraging the page objects pattern.

And i separate page object code in different files as much as reasonable.

  1. What would be a good approach to enable page objects inheritance? javascript classic inheritance? Object.create() based inheritance? Other?

  2. Should i keep expectations within the page object? Or favor Martin Fowler optinion by moving them to an assertion library? in which case how exactly would that look like in this javascript-nodejs technology stack?

I've prepared a live jsfiddle playground here so you can try your improvements on.

Or simply paste code within the answer, i'll paste the jsfiddle content below for clarity:


"use strict";

// A Page Object is a Singleton, so no need to constructors or classic js inheritance,
// please tell me if I'm wrong or what's the utility of creating a (new LoginPage())
// every time a spec need to use this login page.
var loginPage = {
    // Page Object Elements
    userElm: $('.user.loginPage'),

    // Page Object Assertions
    // Martin Fowler [doesn't favor](http://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html)
    // assertions in page objects, I'm open to suggestions on how to move 
    // the assertions away from the Page Object and see how an assertion library 
    // could like like in protractor.
    assertInputsDisplayed: function() {
        return ('Assertion: this.userElm: '+this.userElm);

    // Page Object Actions
    get: function () {
        return ('navigating to LoginPage with userElm: '+this.userElm);

module.exports.loginPage = loginPage;


"use strict";

var loginPage = require('./loginPage.js').loginPage;
var helpers = require('./helpers.js');

// Inherit properties from another Page Object
var loginDialog = helpers.extend({}, Object.create(loginPage), {
    // Page Object Elements
    userElm: $('.user.loginDialog'),

    // Page Object Actions
    get: function () {
        return ('navigating to LoginDialog with userElm: '+this.userElm);

    logout: function () {
        return ('logging out of Dialog. user was: '+this.userElm);

module.exports.loginDialog = loginDialog;


"use strict";

// some helper to avoid adding an external dependency for now
var extend = function(target) {
    var sources = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
    sources.forEach(function (source) {
        for (var prop in source) {
            target[prop] = source[prop];
    return target;


"use strict";

// Mock $() for easy unit testing this on nodejs REPL
global.$ = function(args) { return ('$BUILT '+args); };

var loginPage   = require('./loginPage.js').loginPage;
var loginDialog = require('./loginDialog.js').loginDialog;

console.log(loginPage.userElm);    //=> '$BUILT .user.loginPage'
console.log(loginDialog.userElm);  //=> '$BUILT .user.loginDialog'
console.log(loginPage.get());      //=> 'navigating to LoginPage with userElm: $BUILT .user.loginPage'
console.log(loginDialog.get());    //=> 'navigating to LoginPage with userElm: $BUILT .user.loginDialog'
console.log(loginPage.assertInputsDisplayed());   //=> 'LoginPage assertion: this.userElm: $BUILT .user.loginPage'
console.log(loginDialog.assertInputsDisplayed()); //=> 'LoginPage assertion: this.userElm: $BUILT .user.loginDialog'

//loginPage.logout();   //=> TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'logout'
console.log(loginDialog.logout()); //=> 'logging out of Dialog. user was: $BUILT .user.loginDialog'

2 回答 2







于 2014-01-30T21:52:32.427 回答

My opinions and how we structure our test...

  • One general page model that holds some methods we expect most pages to use like go() or we have methods for interacting with some common custom elements.

  • 从这个通用页面继承的许多特定于页面的模型。这些模型上的大多数方法都与获取页面上的各种元素或与该页面的 ui 交互有关。这些模型上没有断言方法。

  • 用于与某些更复杂的小部件交互的 UI 模型。类似于页面模型,但它们不绑定到页面。它们与 UI/小部件相关联。这些模型上没有断言方法。

  • 对于常见的和可重用的断言,我们有断言模型利用各种页面模型和 UI 模型的交互方法。它们按页面或 UI 组织。对于不常见且不能真正重用的断言,我们只是将它们放入规范本身。

  • 规格通常按页面组织,尽管我们确实有某些 UI/小部件的规格。

于 2014-01-30T20:34:22.430 回答